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The MetaverseUA Chair Newsletter #12 – July 2024

The MetaverseUA Chair Newsletter #12 – July 2024

Welcome to a new issue of the MetaverseUA Chair newsletter. June was a busy month for the Chair, with our fantastic International Congress. If you missed it, you can check a summary in our previous issue of this newsletter, with pictures and recordings. Many more interesting resources are coming, including some papers presented in Alicante during those exciting sunny days. But enough talking about the past. Let´s check what is ahead for Virtual Worlds. Buckle up! Let’s go to it.

Summer Send-off Surprise: Delve into the Proceedings of our International Congress!

Summer Send-off Surprise: Delve into the Proceedings of our International Congress!

Surprise! Thought you’d seen the last of us? Think again!

Hit that play button: Congress recordings now available!

Hit that play button: Congress recordings now available!

Great news for Metaverse enthusiasts!

We are thrilled to announce that the recordings from our International Congress “Towards a Responsible Development of the Metaverse” are finally available!

The MetaverseUA Chair Newsletter #11 – MetaverseUA Chair Congress Recap: Best Bits and Big-Time Thanks!

The MetaverseUA Chair Newsletter #11 – MetaverseUA Chair Congress Recap: Best Bits and Big-Time Thanks!

Dear Metaverse enthusiasts!

Our International Congress concluded, and what a blast we had! If you missed it, fear not. We’ve crafted a concise summary of the event’s key moments. Moreover, we’ll soon be uploading the presentation recordings to our website, allowing you to relax with some popcorn and delve into the virtual worlds at your own pace. Additionally, the papers presented by our speakers will be accessible shortly for your review. So, there’s plenty of exciting content for you to explore and enjoy!

Don’t miss out! Final registration reminder for the MetaverseUA Chair International Congress

Don’t miss out! Final registration reminder for the MetaverseUA Chair International Congress

As you may have heard, the MetaverseUA Chair will be hosting its International Congress on the “Responsible Development of the Metaverse” next week! This event promises to be a pivotal gathering for experts, enthusiasts, and industry leaders to discuss and shape the future of virtual worlds.

The MetaverseUA Chair Newsletter #10 – May 2024

The MetaverseUA Chair Newsletter #10 – May 2024

Welcome back to our virtual corner, where we present you the latest news regarding the legal and ethical aspects of the Metaverse and closely connected topics!