MetaverseUA Chair Research Paper #4 – Decentralised Digital Identity in the Metaverse under eIDAS 2.0
We are pleased to announce the release of the fourth paper in our series, MetaverseUA Chair Research Papers, titled ‘Decentralised Digital Identity in the Metaverse under eIDAS 2.0’, authored by Steffen Schwalm, Senior Manager Digital Identity & Trust at MSG, and Andre Kudra, a strong advocate of Self-Sovereign Identity (SSI) and a Sovrin Board of Trustees member.
The abstract of this fourth publication can be found below:
This article discusses how digital identities and trust services can enable legally compliant transactions within the Metaverse. It focuses on the EU’s eIDAS 2.0 regulation, which provides a framework for trustworthy decentralised digital identities. This regulation includes the EU Digital Wallet (EUDIW) and qualified trust service providers (QTSP) for electronic ledgers, which can be based on blockchain technology (DLT). The article argues that eIDAS 2.0, together with the European Blockchain Service Infrastructure (EBSI), can provide the necessary trust anchors for trusted transactions in the Metaverse. It uses a hypothetical example of a «Virtual World Wonderland» to illustrate how eIDAS 2.0 can support Metaverse applications. The article concludes by emphasising the potential of eIDAS 2.0 and EBSI to enable trusted transactions in the Metaverse, but also highlights the need for further standardisation to ensure interoperability and trust.
This paper is part of our ongoing research efforts under the Chair’s new publication series, inspired by insights from speakers in our first seminar cycle.
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